Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Meet the Bloggers

 So Hi everyone! Decided to jump on the bandwagon and do the meet the bloggers blog hop! So a couple quick fun facts about me. My name is Anna, I'm 19 and I currently living in GA. I own two dogs, but live with four and currently compete in agility. I've basically played soccer since I was 5 up until a few months ago and well soccer is my life. I've had two ACL reconstructive surgeries (exactly a year apart) one in each knee and well the recovery and PT afterwards absolutely sucked! Other than that I was homeschooled for two year and am currently taking a year off before heading to college next fall! Guess that's it haha any way below are the questions I decided to answer...

What's your favorite non-animal related movie?
Right now the hunger games catching fire! It was the last movie I saw in theaters and I absolutely LOVED it!

What's one thing you have to do every day? 
 Take Karma on a 5-6 mile walk

If your pets could talk, what one word would THEY use to describe you? 
Karma would probably say that I'm lazy because I refuse to toss the ball after my arms get tired and yeah...

How is your pet most like you? 
I'm I guess you could say "anti social" or more like I would rather hang out with the dogs/dog people then a bunch of random people at say a party(love hanging out with friends but don't really like social settings I guess) and Abby doesn't like to be bothered by other dogs. She'll tolerate them, but won't go out of her way to try and make friends/be friendly. And if they bug the crap outta her she'll let'em know.

Other than blogging, what are three things you do that bring you joy? 
Playing soccer, doing agility with my crew, and photography

If you didn't have your current pets, what pets would you choose to have? 
 I really can't imagine my life without Abby, but if I didn't have Karma or Twister I'd have my Australian shepherd. And if I couldn't have dogs/cats I would have rats! Love the ratties

Meet the Pet Bloggers Hop


  1. Nice to meet you Anna. You have adorable dogs!

  2. Nice to meet you on the blog hop!
    I also recently saw Catching Fire - so good! Everything Jennifer Lawrence does seems to turn to gold!

  3. You have the best blog name ever. I just love a good pun!

  4. I really enjoyed Catching Fire too - such a good movie!

    And I love that Karma would describe you as lazy even after that 5-6 mile daily walk. I don't even want to know what Karma would think about me then! :)

    Really enjoyed reading your post and I agree with Pamela - your blog name is awesome!

    1. I lurved catching Fire so much I had to see it twice(though the second time I only went because my friend hadn't seen it and wanted me to go with her.)

      For our walks we pretty much walk from our current neighborhood to our old neighborhood and hang out there/play a game of chuck it them back. After that she's tired for oh maybe a good hour before she's ready for more. She drives me a little nuts with her insane energy. The rest of my crew are fine with just a short trip around the block, but she needs a good amount of exercise. Hopefully though I'll be getting my grandparents old treadmill so that might help a bit to.

  5. Nice to meet you! It was nice to learn about you. I liked the movie Catching Fire as well. You go on a 5-6 mile walk daily? Go you!

    1. Catching fire was AMAZING! And yup 5 miles if I don't I have to deal with a nutty puppy.

  6. Hi Anna, Bless your heart and knees! I've had 2 knee surgeries and they are not fun, especially for an active 19 year old! (I was MUCH older!) It is good that you are walking and working with your dogs. There's nothing wrong with not hanging out at parties, it's good practice before heading to college! LOL! Good luck in your recovery and school!

  7. Hi Anna, thanks for joining the blog hop!! I can't imagine the recovery you had to go through after those surgeries and yet you still do agility? Way to go!!

    I love Karma's name. I guess you have good Karma, no? ;-)

  8. I LOVED the second Hunger Games (Well, the first one was pretty great too). I went to see it in #D on Thanksgiving day with my Dad. I am a tad *ahem* older than 19 though :)
