Thursday, May 15, 2014

Happy 9th Birthday Baby Girl!

So today is Abby's 9th Birthday! Seriously can not believe I've had my baby girl for nearly 9 years! She's my best friend, my partner in crime, and the love of my life. She's taught me so much and we've been through way to much. Can't imagine myself without this little brat.

At 9 years old she's still going strong enjoying agility and her newest venture dock diving! I've been told time and time again(mainly by my dad) that's she's to old to be doing this or that, but I look at her and she really loves what she's doing. So we'll keep going until she tells me otherwise(and believe me if she didn't want to do agility or whatever she'd basically refuse to do it.... I'm so proud of her and she's really changed my life. So here's to many more amazing and fun filled years with my little brat!

1 comment:

  1. Well, happy birthday to Abby!!! I say live life full out until it tires you out!
    Happy Thursday,
