Sunday, November 17, 2013

Reactive Fido Classes

 So if you didn't know already both of my girls are reactive to varying degrees and for different reasons. Abby is reactive towards other dogs due to a dog park incident where a poorly managed dog managed to attack her. Ever since that incident she's been very iffy with other dogs and absolutely hates other dogs specifically rude dogs getting in her space/face(though I really can't blame her). However despite her issues she's been fairly easy to manage and IMO doesn't really need to attend reactive dog classes. We are able to actively compete in multiple venues and have had no issues being around a bunch of dogs mainly because most of the sports people that I have run into are aware that not all dogs are dog friendly and understand to keep their dogs away from other people dogs. So there's usually no conflict there...

Karma on the other hand I could use a little help with...

She's reactive in the sense from what I have gauged is that she wants to meet other dogs and since I don't let her she has developed barrier frustration issues. I've been working her for a bit, but having a structured classes and the help of a qualified behaviorist will definately help with our progress.

So the brat and I are going for a consultation next week and granted that goes as planned we will be joining one of the facilities reactive dog classes. And depending on how the class goes we will either sign up for the reactive dog 2 class or I will work her on my own for a bit and then if I feel she's ready sign her up for agility classes in the spring! It just all depends on Karma and how she handles things. But I'm looking forward to a new class! Since Abby's been out of agility due to injuries(had an EVET visit last weekend...) and now that soccer is over I've been bored with nothing to do. So classes with karma will not only keep me busy but be super fun since I love training/working with my dogs.

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