Friday, December 6, 2013

Morning Hike

So this morning after I took Karma to the park I decided to take Abby on a short offleash hike. It's been a while since we hit the trails and I figured she'd enjoy it and well what can I say she LOVED IT! As soon as we hit the trails I let her off and she did amazing as usual. She's such a great hiking buddy. She checks in with me constantly and if she does get to far ahead she'll either turn around and come back or completely stop and wait for me to catch up then head off again.Abby is also normally a really big squirrel Chaser. I mean if she spots a squirrel she's off... But Twice today mister squirrel escaped with his life. I really have no idea how she didn't see/hear him. I mean the darn thing ran right in front of us, but of course both times she had her head down sniffing off to the side and did not see a thing! I just kind of shook my head and was like "really Abby?" but that's ok I guess she made up for it later with the duck(see below)

We ended up hiking up towards the "water fall" then turned around and planned to head back, but ran into some other trails we decided to check out. One of the trails took us to the opposite side of the lake from where we had started and we kinda played around there for a bit. Abby chased sticks and was having fun swimming when litterally out of nowhere she took off. I had no clue what she was chasing and then I hear quacking and here comes mister duck flying out of a bush where he was completely hidden. Mister duck took to the water, but clearly that wasn't going to stop Abby. She tried swimming after him ignoring my first few calls, but eventually she turned around and headed back, but after that she just kept staring (or maybe she was glaring?) at the duck that got away.

After the duck misadventure I finally decided to head back. And I figure it's because she knew we were headed back but the brat took off out of sight and for the life of her would not come back when I called her.So I just stopped and waited and waited and eventually she rounded the corner, but if I made a move in her direction she would skid to a halt spin around and head back down the trail the way we came. So I ended up having to wait again then when she came back to see what's up I turned around and pretended to head the other way and she came running to me and I clipped her leash on. Sorry Abs but if you aren't going to come when I call you it's leash time. So she was leashed until we got back to the otherside of the lake then I let her swim for a bit and we hit the road again...

So that was our adventure for the day oh and the best part was we had all the trails entirely to ourselves! No dogs or people in sight!

Oh and I actually met someone who can read! LMAO!I've had Abby's julius K9 since the beginning of the year and have had her DO NOT PET patches for a couple months now. Well people still of course either can't/don't read them or do and don't care and pet her. Well today a lady who was in the parking lot decided she wanted to say hi to my doggie, but I took her out of the car and she actually read her patches and then asked me about them! She asked if Abby was in training and I said no I just have them because I hate people walking up and petting her with out first asking me ;)

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